"I had such a beautiful experience being guided in waterflow by Johanna. I felt very safe, guarded in her arms to let go of some heavy memories. I trust her a lot in the water, I knew it would stirr emotions for me, but she was very prepared, motherly and trustwhorthy. Thank you Johanna for taking me on this deep journey in this magical pool with you. I didn't know how deep we could go together in the water! I will definitely do it again soon, it was pure medicine!"
Wataflow is the most connected and grounded I’ve ever felt in relation to my emotions. I was floating in a universe that Johanna created the safety for me to exist in. I am better for all the tears that poured out of me as I was guided through the water. I feel like my soul has come home to meet all the parts of me she forgot she was connected to, especially my inner child and the fear I bury deep. Wataflow helped cleanse my diluted visions of the world and my eyes became literal windows to the beauty in my soul and the world around me. My sessions helped me face difficulty in a safely held space until I was able to transmute those feelings into seeing beauty unapologetically.
Ich durfte bei Johanna meine erste Erfahrung mit Wataflow machen. Johanna hat mich ganz vorsichtig und bedacht an die Kunst des Wataflows herangeführt und es wurde ein absolut magisches Erlebnis. Durch die intime und intensive Praxis hab ich eine ganz neuen Art der Entspannung kennengelernt und konnte mich wortwörtlich fallen lassen. Sich gleichzeitig so frei „schwebend“ zu fühlen und dabei sicher gehalten und behütet zu sein, war für mich sehr wertvoll. Johanna hat mir geholfen mich darauf einzulassen und mich zu trauen, dabei aber meine Grenzen nciht nur respektiert sonder geschätzt.
Insgesamt kann ich jeden nur empfehlen sich auf diese sinnliche Reise einzulassen und bei Johanna ist dafür in besten Händen!
Der Wataflow mit Johanna war für mich eine ganz wunderbare und vor allem einzigartige Erfahrung. Das Gefühl so im Wasser zu „schweben“ lässt sich nur schwer in Worte fassen. Ich habe in der Zeit alles um mich herum vergessen und einfach das Wasser auf meiner Haut genossen. Johanna hat mir sehr dabei geholfen mich geborgen und entspannt zu fühlen und die Kontrolle abgeben zu können. Durch ein Gespräch im Voraus konnte ich mir sicher sein, dass meine Grenzen respektiert werden und nichts passiert mit dem ich mich nicht wohl fühle. Ich hab selten eine so tiefe Entspannung gefühlt wie nach dem Floaten. Mit ihrer einfühlsamen und respektvollen Art macht Johanna die Zeit unvergesslich!
Wataflow with Johanna helped calm my nervous system, loosened my back muscles and took me into a state of deep relaxation. I felt very safe - Johanna held the space beautifully, I recommend booking a treatment.
Johanna held me through a wata flow and it was an experience I don’t even know how to describe. At the time, I was experiencing intense physical pain and I was unable to find any way to relieve the symptoms. As soon as I entered the water, Johanna supported me with love and guided me through the most beautiful flow. In the water I was able to remove myself from my physical body and witness myself from above. In this state I was able to see clearly and understand why I was experiencing the pain. I received spiritual downloads & messages from my higher self to support the easing of my symptoms. Johanna’s energy felt like my mother holding me in the water and as she moved me in different ways I felt myself transmuting energy. Once we finished the session, not only did I have clarity on the experience I was having but I also had a significant reduction in pain. I am so grateful to Johanna for this experience & it is something I will never forget.
My wataflow journey was nothing short of amazing. I had a scary experience in the ocean a few years back that left me a bit fearful of being underwater. I knew this was something I needed to overcome and felt myself wanting to connect much more deeply with water. Wataflow was the perfect way to do this.
Johanna's gentle and nurturing manner made me feel safe, held, and protected the entire time I was in the water. At first, I was a little nervous about having a nose plug and being taken underwater; but after the third time, I felt myself wanting to go deeper. It was a beautifully relaxing experience. I felt myself become one with water as I surrendered to the flow and movement.
This is such an incredibly healing practice. I feel as though my fear of being underwater has begun to dissipate. And I now have trust in myself and the waters within me. I feel much more connected to my breath and body. I'm eternally grateful for this experience and look forward to flowing with the water again soon!
Die Wataflow-Session habe ich vor allem auf Empfehlung einer Freundin gemacht. Und ich bin immens dankbar dafür! Die Erfahrung ist eher schlecht in Worte zu fassen. Dieser Zustand absoluter und bedingungsloser Entspannung, den Johanna dabei hervorruft ist einfach einmalig. Ich fand es wirklich vor allem unglaublich schön und gleichzeitig war diese Form von tiefem Vertrauen ins Dasein eine Erfahrung, die mir bis heute ganz wichtig ist.